Kitahara, M., Wei, P.
Sequential and adaptive probabilistic integration for structural reliability analysis
Structural Safety, 2025. (In Press)
Zhou, T., Guo, T., Zhu, X., Kitahara, M., Zhang, J.
A theoretically-consistent parallel enrichment strategy for Bayesian active learning reliability analysis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 437, 117752, 2025.
Takami, T., Kitahara, M., Jørgen, J.J., Sadaoki, M.
Extreme nonlinear ship response estimations by active learning reliability method and dimensionality reduction for ocean wave
Marine Structures, 99, 103723, 2025. ttps://
Wei, P., Kitahara, M., Faes, M., Beer, M.
Probabilistic calibration of model parameters with approximate Bayesian quadrature and active machine learning
Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering, 1(1), 015003, 2025. 10.1088/3050-2454/ad9f62
Kitahara, M., Kitahara, T.
Sequential and adaptive probabilistic integration for Bayesian model updating
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 223, 111825, 2025.
Kitahara, M., Masuda, D., Xue, K., Nagayama, T., Su, D., Tanaka, H.
Track Geometry Estimation and Hanging Sleeper Detection Using Vehicle Dynamic Responses with Unknown System Parameters
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10(3), 04024044, 2024.
Kitahara, M., Kitahara, T., Beer, M.
Hierarchical Bayesian model updating and model selection for quantifying uncretainties in dependent parameters
Japanese Journal of JSCE,Vol.80, No.15, 23-15008, 2024.
Masuda, D., Kitahara, M., Xue, K., Nagayama, T., Su, D.
Track profile estimation using a half car model and unsupported sleeper detection considering the difference in train vehicle weights
Japanese Journal of JSCE,Vol.80, No.15, 23-15012, 2024.
Robert Jirasek, Thomas Schauer, Di Su, Tomonori Nagayama, Achim Bleicher
Experimental linear parameter-varying model identification of an elastic kinetic roof structure
Engineering Structures, 297, 2023.
Youqi Zhang, Zhenkun Li, Rui Hao, Weiwei Lin, Lingfang Li, Di Su
High-fidelity time-series data synthesis based on finite element simulation and data space mapping, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 200, 110630, 2023.
Zhen Sun, De-Cheng Feng, Sujith Mangalathu, Wen-Jie Wang, Di Su
Effectiveness Assessment of TMDs in Bridges under Strong Winds Incorporating Machine-Learning Techniques, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 36(5), 04022036, 2022.
Kitahara, M., Kakiuchi, Y., Yang, Y., Nagayama, T.
Adaptive Bayesian filter with data-driven sparse state space model for seismic response estimation
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 208, 111048, 2024.
Kitahara, M., Kitahara, T., Beer, M.
Hierarchical Bayesian model updating for quantifying uncertainties in model parameters
Japanese Journal of JSCE, 79(15), 22-15005, 2023.
Kitahara, M., Dang, C., Beer, M.
Bayesian updating with two-step parallel Bayesian optimization and quadrature
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403, 115735, 2023.
Nakamura, T., Su, D., Nagayama, T.
Numerical investigation for uncertainty on seismic response of the pier considering material properties and curing conditions
Journal of Structural Engineering A, JSCE,68,pp192-201, 2022.
Ishihara, K., Yang, Y., Nagayama, T., Nakamura, T., Su, D.
Displacement response estimation based on measurement of acceleration response and nonlinear hysteresis model
Journal of Structural Engineering A, JSCE,68,pp275-288, 2022.
H Wang, T Nagayama.
Response spectrum model of vehicle dynamic load for the prediction of bridge vibration level due to single vehicle-passage
Engineering Structures, 260, 2022.
Yang, Y., Nagayama, T., Xue, K., Su, D.
Displacement Estimation of a Nonlinear SDOF System under Seismic Excitation Using an Adaptive Kalman Filter ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8(1), 04021084.
Zhen Sun, De-Cheng Feng, Sujith Mangalathu, Wen-Jie Wang, Di Su
Effectiveness Assessment of TMDs in Bridges under Strong Winds Incorporating Machine-Learning Techniques
ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 36(5), 04022036, 2022.
Wang, H, Nagayama, T, Su, D.
Static and dynamic vehicle load identification with lane detection from measured bridge acceleration and inclination responses Struct Control Health Monit. 2021; 28( 11):e2823.
Yang, Y., Nagayama, T.
Structural system identification under seismic excitation via Markov chain Monte Carlo method Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure, 2(2), 34–45. 2021.,
Yifanfei, Xingyu Chen, Qingle Cheng, Ji Dang, Di Su and Xinzheng Lu
Analysis and comparison of regional seismic damage in M7.3 Japan Fukushima earthquake
World Earthquake Engineering, 37(2), pp.31-37, 2021 (in Chinese).
Bao Y, Li J, Nagayama T, Xu Y, Spencer BF, Li H.
The 1st International Project Competition for Structural Health Monitoring (IPC-SHM, 2020): A summary and benchmark problem Structural Health Monitoring. April 2021.
Kuno, H., Su, D., Nagayama, T.
Numerical investigation of unsupported sleeper detection method based on LSTM and Monte Carlo Dropout Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure, 1(J1), pp.536-544, 2020
Yang, Y., NAGAYAMA, T., SU, D.
Displacement estimation of nonlinear SDOF system under seismic excitation using Kalman filter for state-parameter estimation, Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure, 1(1) pp.1-10, 2020
Xue, K., Nagayama, T., Zhao, B.
Road profile estimation and half-car model identification through the automated processing of smartphone data Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 142, 106722, 2020
Kato,S., Nagayama, T., Wang, H., Su, D., Nishio,M.
BWIM for ordinary road traffic on a continuous steel box girder bridge using wireless accelerometers Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1,JSCE,76 (2), pp. 356-375, 2020 (in Japanese).
Yang, Y., Nagayama, T., Xue, K.
Structure system estimation under seismic excitation with an adaptive extended Kalman filter Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020
Yamaguchi, T., Mizutani, T., Nagayama, T.
Mapping subsurface utility pipes by 3-D convolutional neural network and Kirchhoff migration using GPR images IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020
Wang, H., Nagayama, T., and Su, D.
Estimation of dynamic tire force by measurement of vehicle body responses with numerical and experimental validation”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 123, pp.369-385, 2019
Rana, S., Nagayama, T., Hisazumi, K., and Tominaga, T.
Damage identification of a belt conveyor support structure based on cross‐sectional vibration characteristics Structural Control and Health Monitoring; e2349, 2019
Yamaguchi, T., Nagayama, T., and Su, D.
Simple and accurate estimation of road profile by a Kalman filter using dynamic response of a bicycle Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. E1, pp. 17-26,2019 (in Japanese)
Nagayama, T., Zhao, B.Y., and Xue, K.
Half car model identification and road profile estimation using vibration responses of a running vehicle Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. E1, pp. 1-16,2019 (in Japanese)
Wang, H., Chen, J., Nagayama, T.
Parameter identification of spring-mass-damper model for bouncing people Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019
Zhao, B., Nagayama, T., Xue, K.
Road profile estimation, and its numerical and experimental validation, by smartphone measurement of the dynamic responses of an ordinary vehicle Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019
Fujino, Y., Siringoringo, D.M., Ikeda, Y., Nagayama, T., Mizutani, T.
Research and implementations of structural monitoring for bridges and buildings in Japan—a review Engineering, 2019
Wang, H., Nagayama, T.
Two-step method for bridge modal mass identification using synchronously measured bridge and vehicle dynamic responses International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.233 - 256, 2019
Kuleli M, Nagayama T.
A robust structural parameter estimation method using seismic response measurements
Struct Control Health Monit, 2019;e2475
Takahiro Yamaguchi, Tsukasa Mizutani, Member, Minoru Tarumi and Di Su
Sensitive Damage Detection of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Slab by “Time-Variant Deconvolution” of SHF-Band Radar Signal
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(3), pp. 1478-1488, 2019.
Wang, H., Nagayama, T., Nakasuka, J., Zhao, B., and Su, D.
Extraction of bridge fundamental frequency from estimated vehicle excitation through a particle filter approach Journal of Sound and Vibration, 428, pp.44–58, 2018
Nakasuka, J., Wang, H., and Nagayama, T.
Extraction of the bridge natural frequency based on road profile estimation using vehicle response measurement Journal of Structural Engineering A, JSCE, 64A, pp.325-332, 2018 (in Japanese)
Kato, S., Nagayama, T., Su, D. Hisazumi, K., and Tominaga, T.
Identification of a cross-sectional vibration mode of a belt conveyor support structure using acoustic loading Journal of Structural Engineering A, JSCE, 64A, pp.354-363, 2018 (in Japanese)
Takeda, T., Mizutani, T., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y.
Reproduction of Cable-Stayed Bridge Seismic Responses Involving Tower–Girder Pounding and Damage Process Estimation for Large Earthquakes Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24 (2), 2018
Hirofumi Tanaka, Di Su, and Tomonori Nagayama
Fundamental study of low-cost track condition monitoring by using smartphones and tablets
Journal of railway engineering, JSCE, 22, pp. 39-46, 2018 (in Japanese).
Sun, Z. Nagayama, T., Nishio, M., and Fujino, Y.
Investigation on a curvature‐based damage detection method using displacement under moving vehicle Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2044, 2017
Nagayama, T, and Zhang C.
A numerical study on bridge deflection estimation using multi-channel acceleration measurement Journal of Structural Engineering A, JSCE, 63A, pp.209-215, 2017 土木学会構造工学論文集(2017.3) (
Nagayama, T., Reksowardojo, A.P., Su, D., and Mizutani, T.
Bridge natural frequency estimation by extracting the common vibration component from the responses of two vehicles Engineering Structures, 150, pp. 821-829, 2017
Wang, H., Nagayama, T., Zhao, B., and Su, D.
Identification of moving vehicle parameters using bridge responses and estimated bridge pavement roughness Engineering Structures, 153, pp.57-70, 2017
Suzuki, M., Nagayama, T., Ohara, S., and Morikawa, H.
Structural Monitoring Using Concurrent Transmission Flooding the IEICE Transactions on Communications (Japanese Edition), J100-B,(12), pp952-960, 2017(in Japanese) 同時送信型フラッディングを利用した構造モニタリング * (
Sugisaki, K., Ieiri, M., Kitahara, T., Nagayama, T., Kawamura, K., and Matsuda, H.
Monitoring Implementation Method for Infrastructure Management Innovation
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F3, 2017 (Civil Engineering Information Processing)
Zhao, B.Y., and Nagayama, T.
IRI estimation by the frequency domain analysis of vehicle dynamic responses Procedia Engineering 188, pp9-16, 2017
Wang, H., Nagayama, T., and Su, D.
Vehicle parameter identification through particle filter using bridge responses and estimated profile Procedia Engineering 188, pp64-71, 2017
Hiroki Kawasaki, Di Su, and Tomonori Nagayama
Evaluation of fire resistant performance and countermeasure for steel I-girder bridges
Proceedings of Constructional Steel, JSSC, 25,pp. 128-135, 2017 (in Japanese).
Sun, Z. Nagayama, T., Su, D., and Fujino, Y.
A damage detection algorithm utilizing dynamic displacement of bridge under moving vehicle Shock and Vibration, 2016.
Nakamura, N., Mizutani, T., and Nagayama, T.
Evaluation of Ultimate Strength of Railway Viaducts with Columns Reinforced with Spiral Rebars Using Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)), JSCE,72 (4), I_213-I_223, 2016 (in Japanese)
Narazaki,Y., Nagayama, T., and Su, D.
Development of a stiffness reduction evaluation method for RC columns during earthquakes based on acceleration measurements Journal of Structural Engineering. A, JSCE, Vol. 62A, pp.212-225, 2016 (in Japanese)
Nakasuka,J., Mizutani, T., Yamamoto,Y., Uchida,M., Su, D., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y.
Analysis of large amplitude vibration mechanism of Shinkansen PRC girder bridges and the long-term trend of their structural characteristics Journal of Structural Engineering. A, JSCE, Vol. 62A, pp.42-49, 2016 (in Japanese)
Su, D., Sano,S., Tanaka,H., Nagayama, T., and Mizutani, T.
Train localization by mutual correction of acceleration and interior sound Journal of Structural Engineering. A, JSCE, Vol. 62A, pp.571-584, 2016 (in Japanese)
Ryuta Kuniyoshi, Di Su, and Tomonori Nagayama
Fire resistance assessment of steel bridges by focusing on the temperature of members in vehicle fires
Proceedings of Constructional Steel, JSSC, 24,pp. 509-516, 2016 (in Japanese).
Haoqi Wang, Tomonori Nagayama, and Di Su
Identification of moving vehicle parameters by bridge response data analysis through a particle filter from estimated profile
Procedia Engineering, 188, pp. 64-71, 2016.
Hornarbakhsh, A., Nagayama, T, Rana, S., Tominaga, T. Hisazumi, K., and Kanno, R.
Damage identification of belt conveyor support structure using periodic and isolated local vibration modes Smart Structures and Systems, 15(3), pp.787-806, 2015
Su, D., Shimada,Y., and Nagayama,T.
Stress evaluation and fatigue prediction of a steel girder bridge incorporating vehicle-bridge interaction analysis Journal of structural engineering.A, 61A(0), pp.451-462, 2015 (in Japanese)
Takeda,T., Nagayama,T., Mizutani,T.,. and Fujino,Y.
Seismic response characterization of a curved rigid-frame bridge using three dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 71(4), I_641-I_649, 2015 (in Japanese)
Nakasuka, J., Mizutani,T., Yamamoto,Y., Uchida,M., Su,D., and Tomonori Nagayama
Analysis of large amplitude vibration mechanism of high-speed train prc girder bridges based on vibration measurement
Proceedings of The Joint 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (6AESE) and 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (11ANCRiSST), Champaign, United States, 2015
Sung, S., Park, J., Nagayama, T,. and Jung ,HJ.
A multi-scale sensing and diagnosis system combining accelerometers and gyroscopes for bridge health monitoring Smart Materials and Structures 23 (1), 015005, 2014
Zou, Z., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y.
Efficient multi-hop communication for static wireless sensor networks in the application to civil infrastructure monitoring Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 21 (4), pp.603-619, 2014
Mizutani,T., Inomata,K., Tsujita,W., Honda,R.,Fujino,Y., and Nagayama,T.
Real-Time Rainfall Detection by Analyzing Singularities of Communications Antenna Radiowave Fluctuations Journal of Japan Society Hydrology and Water Resources, Vol. 27, No.5, pp.208-218, 2014 (in Japanese)
Di Su, Yuuki Shimada, Akihiko Miwa, Yozo Fujino, Tomonori Nagayama, and Tsukasa Mizutani
Measurement and prediction of local stress in a steel girder bridge
Journal of Structural Engineering. A, 60, JSCE, pp. 205-213, 2014 (in Japanese).
Kuroiwa, T., Suzuki, M., Saruwatari, S., Nagayama, T., and Morikawa, H.
A multi-channel bulk data collection protocol for structural health monitoring using wireless sensor networks IEICE Transactions on Communications (Japanese Edition), Vol.J96-B No.2 pp.114-123, 2013 (in Japanese)
Mizutani,T., Fujino,Y., Inomata,K., Tsujita,W., and Nagayama,T.
Trial of Rainfall Detection by Multi-fractal Analysis from Fluctuation of Electric Field around A Leaky Coaxial Cable Journal of Japan Society Hydrology and Water Resources, 26(5), PP.258-268, 2013 (in Japanese)
Su, D., Miwa A., Fujino,Y., and Nagayama,T.
Measurement and analysis of traffic-induced response of viaducts in Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Journal of Structural Engineering. A, JSCE Vol. 59A, pp.281-289, 2013 (in Japanese)
Dinh, H.M., Nagayama, T., and Fujino, Y.
Structural parameter identification by use of additional known masses and its experimental application Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 19(3), pp436-450, 2012
Jo, H., Sim, S.-H., Nagayama, T., and Spencer, Jr., B. F.
Development and application of high sensitivity wireless smart sensors for decentralized stochastic modal identification Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138(6), pp.683–694, 2012
Asakawa, H., Nagayama, T., Fujino, Y., Nishikawa, T., Akimoto, T., and Izumi, K.
Development of a simple pavement diagnostic system using dynamic responses of an ordinary vehicle Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. E1 (Pavement Engineering), 68 (1) pp.20-31, 2012 (in Japanese)
Yun,G.J., Lee, S.-G., Carletta, J., and Nagayama, T.
Decentralized damage identification using wavelet signal analysis embedded on wireless smart sensors Engineering Structures, 33(7), pp.2162-2172, 2011
Di Su, Yozo Fujino, and Jean-Charles Wyss
Stress prediction of the vehicle-bridge interaction system and its application to a steel I-girder bridge
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)), 67(2) , pp. 374–385, 2011 (in Japanese).
Nagayama, T., Moinzadeh, P., Mechitov, K.A., Ushita, M., Makihata, N., Ieiri, M., Agha, G.A., Spencer Jr., B.F., Fujino, Y., and Seo, J.
Reliable multihop communication for structural health monitoring Special Issue of Smart Structures and Systems on Wireless Sensor Advances and Applications for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring, 6(5), 2010
Rice, J., Mechitov, K., Sim, S.-H., Nagayama, T., Jang, S., Kim, R., Spencer, Jr., B. F., Agha, G., and Fujino, Y.
Flexible smart sensor framework for autonomous structural health monitoring Special Issue of Smart Structures and Systems on Wireless Sensor Advances and Applications for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring, 6(5), 2010
Nagayama, T., Spencer, Jr., B. F., and Fujino, Y.
Smart sensor middleware development for dense structural vibration measurement Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 65 (2) pp.523-535, 2009 (in Japanese)
Nagayama, T., Spencer, Jr., B. F., and Rice, J. A.
Autonomous decentralized structural health monitoring using smart sensors Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16, pp.842-859, 2009
Su, D., Fujino, Y., Nagayama, T., Hernandez, J., and Seki, M.
Vibration of reinforced concrete viaducts under high-speed train passage: measurement and prediction including train-viaduct interaction Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 1744-8980, 2009
Cho, S., Yun, C.-B., Lynch, J. P., Zimmerman, A.T., Spencer, B. F., and Nagayama, T.
Smart wireless sensor technology for structural health monitoring of civil structures International Journal of Steel Structures, 8(3), pp.267-275, 2008
Yongjiu Shi, Di Su, and Yuanqing Wang
Study on restoring force models of steel beam-column connections with composite action
World Earthquake Engineering, 24(2), pp.15–20, 2008 (in Chinese).